Monday, September 30, 2024
Monday, September 30, 2024


Is Doordarshan Streaming ‘Ramayana’ From A Moser Baer DVD Along With The Watermark?

Claim Neha Dixit, a journalist who writes for Al Jazeera, Washington Post, The Wire, and The Caravan made an ‘Inane’ tweet to claim that India’s...

Old And Unrelated Video Of A Naked Man Shared As Quarantined Tablighi Jamaat Members Misbehaving With The Nurses

A WhatsApp forward, along with a video, is doing the rounds in which it is claimed that a person who belongs to the Tablighi...

Are Countries Throwing Dead Bodies Infected With Coronavirus into the Sea?

A Facebook user shared a video that shows dead bodies being washed ashore at some unidentified beach. The caption reads, "Some countries are throwing...

No, Chefs Of Some Known Restaurants In Bengaluru Do Not Spit In The Food To Spread Coronavirus

Muslim owned restaurants in Bengaluru have chefs brainwashed by Markaz attendees and are spreading Coronavirus by spitting in the food.  The WhatsApp message states that...

Humpback Whales Spotted Near Bombay High? No, Here’s the reality

In the backdrop of the lockdown, videos of wild animals are surfacing on the internet. Among them, a video of humpback whales is doing...

Muslims Disguised As Beggars Spreading Coronavirus! A Message With Communal Twist Goes Viral

As many as 500 Muslims, infected with COVID-19, are roaming in villages and cities with a planned conspiracy to spread Coronavirus. Amidst the rise in...