Thursday, March 20, 2025


Whatsapp Message On COVID-19 Vaccine Registration For Elderly On Co-WIN Is False


A message on COVID-19 vaccine registrations for the elderly through the Covid Vaccine Intelligence Work app (Co-WIN) is being circulated on Whatsapp. It includes the steps that are involved in registering for the vaccine including PAN and SMS confirmation. 

Co-WIN is an online platform for Indian citizens to register and schedule their COVID-19 vaccination slots. 

The Whatsapp message reads as follows:

“There is talk that registration for inoculation will open soon for senior http://citizens.Pl keep watching the CoWin site and app linked below. As yet both are only open for viewing and login by vaccinators. But the option to register could pop up sometime after Feb 20. When it does, you can register with your PAN card no and other details as required. You will be able to opt for the hospital most convenient to you. Once accepted, you will get an SMS confirming your registration with a 14 digit registration no. In due course after that you will get another SMS giving you a date and time for vaccination at the hospital you opted for. If you are particular about which vaccine you would like to take, pl check with the hospital of your choice about which one they are allotted. Preserve  very important. Pls forward to all senior citizens. Thanx”

Newschecker received this message on its Whatsapp verification number. 

The claim in context is being shared amid the government gearing up to start Phase 2 of Covid-19 vaccination from 1 March. This time people above 60 years of age and those above 45 with associated comorbidities will be administered with the shot against the coronavirus disease. 

Fact Check/ Verification 

We browsed through the Health and Family Welfare website to check for any updates on COVID-19 vaccine registrations for the elderly on the Co-WIN app, but could not find any information supporting the claim. 

Next, we did a relevant Google search to find news reports supporting the claim, but found nothing relevant. 

However, we came across a tweet by the Press Information Bureau Fact-check which debunked the claim. “This claim is #Fake. No such decision has been taken by the Government,” reads the tweet. 

Press Information Bureau Fact-check is the government arm debunking information related to government policies, programmes, and initiatives. 


The Whatsapp message which claims that the inoculation registration on the Co-WIN App will open in February for citizens aged above 50 is false. 

Result: False 

Our Sources

Press Information Bureau Fact-check:

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