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HomeFact CheckFalse Claim of a Baby With Three Eyes Born In Germany Goes...

False Claim of a Baby With Three Eyes Born In Germany Goes Viral On Social Media


A Twitter post claims that a baby with three eyes was born in Germany. A short video in the post shows a baby with a third eye on the forehead sitting in a car seat and nibbling on chips.

The video with a three-eyed baby has gone viral on social media platforms. We received this video with the same claim on our Whatsapp verification number asking us to check its authenticity. 

You can watch the video in context below:

Viral video of a three-eyed baby born in germany

Fact Check

Using variations in keywords related to ‘three eyed baby’on Google search, we came across an article on ResearchGate titled, “A three eyed infant: A case of partial facial duplication (diprosopus monocephalus triophthalmos).” Published in January 2018, the article describes the case study of a one-year child with three eyes since birth. It describes this condition as Craniofacial duplication, also known as diprosopus. This is a “rare congenital disorder whereby parts or all of the face are duplicated on the head.”

An article on a three-eyed infant published in ResearchGate in January, 2018.
An article on a three-eyed infant published in ResearchGate in January, 2018.

The National Library of Medicine details the Craniofacial duplication condition. You can read more about it here

“A baby born with the condition will have a single body, normal limbs but facial features that are duplicated to varying degrees,” writes The Sun in a story published in June, 2016. 

A June 2017 article from The Sun, UK about a boy craniofacial duplication
A June 2017 article from The Sun, UK about a boy craniofacial duplication

With regard to the claim in context, keenly observing the movement of all three eyes showed us that the top eye movement was exactly the same as the left eye. You can read more about this in our Urdu fact check here

In the research material we came across babies with this condition have duplicated features that differ in varying degrees. And the baby shown in the claim video has completely aligned features. 

We also did not find any credible news report or related information about an infant with three eyes from Germany. 


According to our research we believe this is a case of digital manipulation wherein the infant shown in the video has the top eye movement to be exactly the same as the left eye. Therefore, the claim that a baby with three eyes was born in Germany is false. 

Tools Used

  • Google advanced search 

Result: False

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