Sunday, June 16, 2024
Sunday, June 16, 2024


Medications For SARS And COVID-19 Are The Same? Misleading WhatsApp Forwards Go Viral

Claim भाइयों काफी किताबों में ढूंढने के बाद बड़ी मुश्किल से कोरोना वायरस की दवा मिली है, हम लोग कोरोना वायरस की दवा ना जाने...

No, Italy’s  Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte Did Not Breakdown Publicly, Media Outlets Misreport 

Claim: Italy’s  Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte broke down publicly due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.     Verification:   Italy's world-topping toll from the coronavirus pandemic approached 5,500 on Sunday...

Did The US Discover A Vaccine That Can Cure COVID-19? Image Of A Test Kit Falsely Shared As An Image Of The Vaccine

Claim A WhatsApp forward is doing the rounds claiming that the Covid-19 vaccine is ready and as announced by US President Donald Trump, it will...

Did Russian President Putin Unleash Lions On Russia’s Streets To Ensure A Complete Lockdown?

Claim Russia has unleashed over 500 lions to ensure that people stay inside their homes amid the coronavirus outbreak.       Verification As the whole world has put up...

Riots Observed in London due to the unavailability of food items? No, Old Video Goes Viral

Claim: Riots in London due to the unavailability of food items. The United Kingdom will be locked down by tonight. Army soldiers take to the...

Did WHO recommend a lockdown of the country to the Government of India? Fake Audio Clip Goes Viral

Claim : Seeing the rise of novel coronavirus in India, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended the government of India to lockdown the country...